RAM-CENTER monitoring platform
In the end of year 2019 we launched the online monitoring platform for surge arresters called RAM-CENTER. The customer will be offered a choice of package access to the platform functionalities, whereby the basic package will offer only the basic features for arrester monitoring, with more advanced packages the customer will get a full array of advanced functionalities. Depending on the package the platform will enable following features:
- Monthly condition report via media of choice,
- Web app with RAM-1 locations and gathered measurements,
- English language interface,
- Ability to save information about installed device: location, time of instalment, installer, etc,
- Ability to save information about surge arrester,
- Measurements acquired from RAM-1: resistive component of the leakage current, battery voltage, ambient temperature,
- Graphical presentation of acquired measurements, depicted increase of resistive component of the leakage current,
- More frequent condition reports via media of choice,
- Chronological recording of activities on the device (inspections, corrections, possible damages),
- User account for online access to information about measurements,
- Record of access to information (when, by whom and what was examined),
- Automatic reporting of exceeded measured values to authorized personnel,
- Automatic ordering of damaged equipment and delivery tracking,
- Language selection according to customers wishes.